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At this week’s assembly, Mr Thomas awarded journalist badges to Year 4 and 5 students who will be this year’s Kitchen and Kitchen Garden journalists for the School Blog.  These students are responsible and self-motivated.  They will learn the skills of effective photography and will conference regularly with Mrs Veary to develop their writing skills to be able to write as journalists for a world-wide audience.  Each year our school blog/website receives around 45 000hits, so their posts will be read by a very real audience.
Our Year 5 journalist for 2016 is: Zhai W
Our Year 4 journalists for 2016 are: Annabelle B and Sara C.

Many thanks to Ms Angell and Mr Morrison for their ongoing support of this partnership and student journalism.  🙂  We look forward to hearing all about the garden and what is cooking in the kitchen in the near future.

Written, photos and posted by D. Veary