Year 3 Planting2014 036 (Small)Last Monday, representatives from Bunnings visited our Year 3 classes and assisted the students to plant out a number of seedlings in the Year 3 garden beds adjacent to the T6 and T7 classrooms. We thank Trina, Neva and Scotty for their time and the generous donation of healthy seedlings for our program from Bunnings.

2014-03-19 10.13.30 (Small)The students were very excited and enthusiastic as they learned from Neva the best way to carefully remove the seedlings from the trays and then to plant them out correctly. We look forward to seeing the students care for their vegetable and flower patches and hopefully enjoy the produce when it is harvested.

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Bunnings have supported our Kitchen Garden Program in the past with donations of wheelbarrows, watering cans and assorted seedlings and this assistance is greatly appreciated by us all.

Written by Geoff Mcleod; Photos and posted by D.Veary