Friday was a very exciting day for the Junior Primary –  students, teachers and parents!  The end of year awards were presented and Santa put in his annual appearance to hand them out to the worthy recipients.

Year 3 Awards

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Year 2 AwardsImg_2881 (Small)

Year 1 Awards

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Aussie of the Month Awards
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Our Year 1 teachers and students delighted the audience with their singing and re-enactment of the Nativity story which showed great co-ordination between all four classes, with the support of Ms Helen and our Junior Choir.  Well done to all the Year 1 teachers for their hard work and Ms Love for her leading role in organising the event.

Enjoy some of the highlights of the morning’s performance below.

Christmas Story by Year 1s with support of the Joey Choir

Santa arrives and enjoys the proceedings in this Smilebox slideshow.


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Mrs Murphy is farewelled by Mr K as she retires after 39 years of an exceptional teaching career.  We will miss you, Lee.  🙂

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The final song is the choir singing: Shine, Shine Christmas Star.  Enjoy!

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Written, photos and posted by D Veary