Junior Cultural Day 2013 021 (Small)

What fun the juniors had last Thursday as they participated in the Junior Aboriginal Cultural Day activities. We’d like to acknowledge the Wardandi people on whose land we stand.

We had Josh Whiteland doing dancing with students,

Photo 2 (Small)

SWAMS (South West Aboriginal Medical Service) making bush bug bombs, Dreamtime pillows and talking about healthy eating.

Angela Ramirez (our Aboriginal Islander Education Officer) told Dreamtime stories and children helped paint a banner. 

Junior Cultural Day 2013 014 (Small)

Jodie did storytelling and ochre face painting with Jezrah Tate and Jazmin Ford.

Junior Cultural Day 2013 017 (Small)

Keith Bunn did spear throwing on the oval …

Junior Cultural Day 2013 010 (Small)and Ros Love did Noongar language.

Photo 1 (Small)

At lunchtime, everyone was invited to eat some roo which Ang had prepared for them.  All-in-all, there was something special for everyone to experience our indigenous culture.   Thank you to all the volunteers and those who led the sessions for making it such a successful day!  🙂

Written by Angela Ramirez; Photos by parents and Jonelle Fraser; Posted by Dawn Veary

