Mrs Kealy

Sadly, tomorrow will be Mrs Kealy’s last day with us at MRPS.  Next year she will be closer to home as she takes up the position of Associate Principal at Geographe Primary School.  

I asked Mrs Kealy to reflect on her year at MRPS and these are her comments:

Favourite Memories:  “…the fantastic musical production; the Burning of the Vine Cuttings was awesome and how nice the students and staff are.”

Super-Impressed with:  “…the Inquiry-based learning program; the use of ICT and the great Specialist programs.”

General Comments: “Margaret River Primary School is a great school and is going to become even greater with the Partnership Schools program in place!”

We will miss her cheery smile around the place, but we wish her all the very best in the future and I’m sure we will keep in touch!   Remember, you can always make a comment below to pass on your thoughts to Mrs K 🙂