Img_6354 (Small)“Good Morning, Mr Madden.  How are you today?” are words which have a familiar ring at MRPS.  These words are a particular phrase which Mr Madden has used to greet students at assembly and in class….in his own inimitable style… for six years, and which we will hear for the last time at our assembly on Thursday when we say farewell.

Img_6335 (Small)Mr Madden will be leaving MRPS after six years as Deputy Principal, a role he has relished, to pursue new goals.  At Monday’s assembly Mr Madden was presented with an album filled with photos of each class in the school and a record of their special memories of him and what they will miss.   In a moving speech,  Sam Mc. summed up just how much Campbell Madden has come to mean to Margaret River Primary School and how much he will be missed!

Img_6340 (Small)Mr Madden thanked the school and reminded us that

it’s all about the students!

We all wish you the very best as you pursue your goals, Mr Madden.  🙂

A huge thank you to Dionne Mottershead for the concept and for compiling the school book for Mr Madden (and taking such candid photos!)

Written, photos and posted by D. Veary