Our 2014 Fun Run fundraiser saw the day dawn sunny, clear and perfect weather for a run through our forest and around the oval for our younger students.  This annual event is our biggest community fundraiser dedicated to raising funds to maintain the high standard of ICT resourcing (‘Information Communication Technologies) we have in each classroom at Margaret River Primary.  As part of our inquiry process, students learn to incorporate computer technologies as part and parcel of their research and to showcase their learning and this fundraiser goes a long way to helping us provide that, so thank you to all parents and friends of MRPS who support this event each year.  😆

You can see how fit even the youngest students were as they completed lap after lap on the oval and word is that even the bike riders on the bush track had their work cut out keeping up with the runners.

After a well-earned lunch parents joined students at the many stalls and activities which were set up around the school. Students and teachers worked together in year levels and classes to create their stall. You can see what fun everybody had in this slideshow.

Sun, water, fun and the great outdoors – what better combination could we have asked for?  Many thanks to all those who shared the day and gave their time as volunteer helpers.    [Don’t forget to collect your sponsorship money and bring it back to school as soon as possible.]  🙂

Photos by Lil and D. Veary; Written and posted by D.Veary