MRPS Kitchen Garden was a hive of activity on Thursday morning with the ABC film crew filming celebrity chefs Poh Ling Yeow and Ian Parmenter visiting the garden, and Suzie O with her team of student gardeners busily harvesting luscious tomatoes and summer produce!

I met Poh Ling Yeow and Ian Parmenter before filming and thanked them for supporting our Kitchen Garden.  Ian Parmenter reminded us that the focus now is to build the KITCHEN for our Kitchen Garden.   The Kitchen Garden Project Team have lodged an application for a grant with the South West Development Commission and are awaiting the outcome with bated breath.  In the meanwhile, they continue their innovative fundraising efforts, such as the Paella Cookoff tomorrow morning (Saturday 13 Feb) at Margaret River Farmers’ Markets! (See earlier post.)

Enjoy this slideshow of the busy garden on Thursday.

Filming In The Kitchen Garden 5Filming In The Kitchen Garden 6