This Friday (1st April) our annual Years 4 – 7 MRPS Faction Sports Carnival will be held at Gloucester Park.  The first event will be run at 9:30 a.m., with presentations expected to take place at 2:45 p.m. , which allows students to get back to school in time for the bus run.  There should be lots of room at the new venue and we welcome parent support.

Students need to arrive at school in time for Roll Call in classrooms at 9:00 a.m., before assembling in their factions in the Undercover Area.  They will walk together in their factions to Gloucester Park.

Remember to be Sun Safe:  wear hats, bring water bottles and SLIP, SLAP, SLOP sunscreen liberally.  Support your faction by wearing faction colours on the day.

The P&C will be providing refreshments.  You can purchase morning tea from their cake stall (adults and students); and they are cooking a sausage sizzle lunch (pre-ordered through the school).

If any parents are available to help set up the shade marquees, please come along to Gloucester Park around 8:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

Who will it be this year? RED?  BLUE?  GREEN? or GOLD?