Dscf2669MRPS recently celebrated Health & Wellbeing within our school community by holding a ‘Wellness Day’ which was the culmination of a three year developmental program initiated by SDERA. Each year we have been reaching set targets which have been monitored and resulted in extra funding being allocated to our Health program.

Dscf2663Our whole school Health and Wellbeing Day was held on Thursday the 7th of April. We started the day with a whole school assembly where two winners were announced – each winning a new bike. [Local businesses, Walga and Roadwise, donated brand new bikes & surfing gear.  Margaret River Bike shop also donated new helmets.]

The preprimary students then rotated between 4 activities;
-healthy eating and shopping
-colouring in

Dscf2717Sonja Day (who helped organise the event) said:

The ‘Wellness Day’ was a whole school initiative, which included student activities in all year levels and Parent /Community awareness displays set up in the undercover area, which gave parents an opportunity to interact with valuable resources within our community. The Kitchen Garden & Canteen provided tasty samples of their wonderful produce, student work was on display and the atmosphere was warm, friendly and positive.

Highlights of the day included a visit from ‘Izzy”, the junior primary smart steps mascot.
We are very appreciative of all donations and the expertise provided by our wonderful school community, which ensured this was a fantastic success.

Dscf2676Students across the school worked hard on safety posters and displays and prizes were given out throughout the day from the Margaret River Pro and SDERA.


In the afternoon,  the undercover area was opened up to parents and community to visit a number of different health and wellness stalls-including amongst others: River Angels, Margaret River Surfing Pro, Aboriginal Bush Foods, Yoga, Bowan Therapy, Healthy Food and Drinks, SDERA.
As you can see from the photos, this was another successful school community event, enjoyed by all. 

In conclusion, Sonja Day says:

Thank you to everyone for recognising the importance of promoting “Wellness”.

Written by Clare Dallimore and Sonja Day; Photos by Clare Dallimore and school community; Posted by D. Veary