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MRPS has embraced modern learning environments by investing in new ‘futuristic’ furniture. The new furniture for three lighthouse classrooms (junior, middle and upper primary) arrived recently.  Students and teachers are really excited with the new learning spaces and the flexibility they offer for student collaboration and independent work while catering for students’ different needs and learning styles.

Year 3 teacher, Dawn Veary, explained how different elements in her room were designed to engage students in their learning and provide flexibility for different tasks.

The arrangement has high spaces and low spaces; the desks tessellate and pull apart easily into different configurations; tables have castors and are lightweight to move easily while the soft furnishings provide comfortable seating on ottomans which also assist with sound absorption in the room.

She was pleasantly surprised to see students adapt so quickly to the new learning environment, flowing naturally onto the ottomans for collaborative work while gathering easily for structured group activities around the ‘intensive teaching table’ on their stools.  Each student still has access to a modern ergonomically designed chair and a desk, but the outright winner so far has been the Hokki stools!

 Students just love the Hokki stools which are ergonomically designed for ‘active sitting’.  They encourage core muscle strength and engage the kinaesthetic learners who need to move in order to learn. Students rush to grab their stools in the morning and are able to easily carry them around when moving to different parts of the room.  Their excitement and enthusiasm with their new learning environment has been contagious and it’s already proving to be a good space for teaching and learning.


Year 3 Lighthouse Classroom on PhotoPeach


The Year 7 room has a different configuration, with circular and semi-circular group tables which facilitate the use of computers, with all the cabling coming up through the central hole.  Students have ergonomic gas lift chairs and are also able to collaborate easily, using the green ottomans in the room.

Year 7 teacher, Mark Harrison, said:

It’s great to see the students at work here.  They are really enjoying being able to work independently on their ‘Big Questions’ at the new desks.  The room is more streamlined and there is no clutter.


Year 7 Lighthouse Classroom on PhotoPeach

The third lighthouse classroom should be up and running within a few weeks.

Written and posted by D. Veary; Photos by D. Veary and G. Gibbon