Another well-written garden report from our regular T4 journalists (with the help of Lana S. while Taya is away).

Harvesting and Planting in Garden

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It’s week nine now and everyone’s rather exhausted from doing all this hard work, but we’re still up and going for garden. So lets see what T4 is getting up to with Susie and her minions.
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Today it’s Cool Capsicums, yes that’s right Crafty Capsicums and Cool Carrots are working together, just for today though. Cool Capsicums were harvesting broccoli, beans, orange thyme, lemon, kale, spring onions, celeriac and cabbage.
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Terrific Tomatoes are on bug patrol. They collect the bugs mostly off the cabbages and lettuces. We do this because the caterpillars and snails chew little holes in our vegies and most people don’t like little holes in their food!

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Today Radical Radishes were getting wet and also quite dirty with planting! They watered all the new fruit and veg. They also planted English Spinach seedlings for Winter.
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Last but not least, Brilliant Broccoli was planting the eye-watering garlic! First they had to dig a large hole to put the garlic in and then they had to put fertilizer in the garden bed. After that they put the garlic into the hole and covered it up with the remaining soil and watered it in.
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T4 loves Garden and so does everyone else who has this amazing opportunity and I think you would too!

Photos and written by our T4 journalist team; Posted by D. Veary