Img_5468 (Small)Spring has really been working its magic because the garden is growing at a huge speed and the birds are singing loud and clear. Also, T4 is back on the job.

Today Terrific Tomatoes and Ellie were planting lettuces and spring onions. Because they finished the job they got to be on bug patrol.

Img_5484 (Small)Crafty Capsicums and Miss Angell were hard at work harvesting silverbeet. Susie told them to cut at the bottom of the silverbeet’s stem. Meanwhile, Cool Carrots and Susie did a fab job transplanting zucchini and planting new ones.

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Brilliant Broccoli and the lovely Miss Ashton have been snuggling with the gorgeous chooks because Aaron, Ziggy and Timon moved the chickens into their daily run. They also gave them fresh water. Then they watered some tanks just outside the kitchen.

It’s been another big week T4 and the garden is growing heaps…
But I wonder what the next time in the garden will be like? We’ll just have to wait and see!

These are comments from our class:

Sunny: I learnt that when you are planting you have to be quick because the roots dry out in two minutes.
Luca: I learnt that when you cut silverbeet you need to cut it from the bottom.
Lily.M: To transplant plants, the plant needs to have soil around it.

Written and photos by our Year 4 Kitchen Garden Journalists (Lulu, Taya and Emily); Posted by D. Veary