[Editor’s Note: Congratulations to these three industrious journalists from T12! They have given up heaps of lunchtimes this year to write creatively, and this is their final post. Great teamwork – well done girls!]
Crazy Carrots
“There’s a single orange carrot!” I yelled, probably a bit too loud.
“It’s the super carrot,” said Maggie loudly, but not as loudly as me.
My group had the job of the year. We got the job that only happens once a year – the carrot harvesting! One of the mums came. It totally wasn’t my mum. (It was my mum. I was being sarcastic.)
Today we were harvesting the carrots. Guess what? They were purple. Once we had finished, Suzie (my mum) helped us sort them into buckets: one for carrot tops for the people who had rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs.
Another bucket was for the good carrots and it was the compost pile for the bad carrots and extra carrot tops. At the end we cleaned them all and each person in the class got a baby carrot. (The people who washed the carrots ate a couple more.)
Written by Harper
This week my group (Apples) had the job of pruning the climbing rose bush. We slipped on the gloves and began.
“Clip harder!” I yelled.
“Oww, I got pricked!” sighed Kesava.
After we finished chopping the bush, Kian brought the wheelbarrow to pick it all up, then we put it in the bin near the basketball hoops and we were finished.
We ran back to the shed and ate some carrots that the Capsicums had picked.
Written by Rosie
“What did one pile of woodchips say to the other?”
“Nothing. They weren’t mulch for conversation.”
It’s term four in Margaret River Primary School and some people are up for a challenge. For egg-zample, Olivia, Brody, Josh, Vincent, Lee, Bety, Eva and Molly are attempting to do the mulching job with the help of our super teacher, Mrs Clark.
The new concrete paths are in and we were mulching the rest of the paths to make them even. We used the big pile of mulch next to the wooden playground. It was hard work, digging it up with shovels and loading up wheelbarrows. They were heavy to push to the garden. Then we had to tip them to pour out the mulch, before spreading it evenly with a rake.
Even though it was hard work, everybody made it fun with funny faces, exaggerated digging and clowning around. They were all up to the challenge and our garden has had a ‘rake-over’.
Meanwhile, Maggie’s team were tackling the job of pulling out carrots and cutting off the tops. And we all got to enjoy a carrot or two at the end.
Before I go, I have one more joke for you:
Why did the farmer bury his money?
To get rich!
Written by Holly

Written and photos by T12 Journalists; Posted by D. Veary