Margaret River Primary School students rocked Settlers Tavern at their Open Mic Night on Wednesday 26 October from 5 – 6 p.m.  The Tavern was packed with families and community members supporting MRPS Talent, and there was a lot of talent on show with three school bands performing.  They were Just Visible (under Tony Lane’s guidance), Nightfall and Stylo (under Danny Jennings’ guidance).  Students had a blast and the gig was well received by all!!

The Tavern provided soft drinks throughout for the band members, a meal at the end of their performance and they paid for the sound manager and mixer to be set up.  Thank you for your ongoing support. 😀

Thank you to parents who helped to set up and pack up and a special thanks to Colin and Nevus Maylor for supplying an awesome drum kit and for filming the event with Mr. Neal.

Written by: Helen Collis   Posted: DVeary