The weather gods smiled briefly on Friday morning, halting the stormclouds and holding the rain, as Margaret River Primary School students gathered near the Skate Park and boarded the ‘walking school bus’ – a ‘Walk Safely to School Day’ initiative.
Mr Walker said:
It was great to see so many of our families join us for our Walking School Bus on Friday. Walking to school offers many benefits. It encourages an active lifestyle and by teaching children about the importance of walking, both for the body and the environment, you can encourage them to participate in more physical activities.

The ‘busdrivers’ included Mr Walker, Mrs Macaulay, Mr Murray and Mr Cahill who entered into the fun, walking the bus down Wallcliffe Road to school, where students joined those who’d walked around the oval to have a healthy watermelon treat.

A big thanks to all staff who helped prepare the fruit, walked around the oval with students and who joined the Walking School Bus.
Written and posted by Dawn Veary; Photos by Christopher Walker