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Thank you to all members of our school community for their wholehearted support of this fundraiser.  It has been very successful in reinforcing the importance of spelling for our students and for raising…(drumroll)… $12 069! 

Img_0791 (Small)At our Spellathon assembly this  morning,  Mr K told the school how this has already secured two of the P&C priority list items, being basketball court equipment and senior school Maths equipment.

Winning students were awarded their $100 and $20 vouchers for:  one hundred percent spellathon spelling results, participation and for outstanding fundraising efforts.  

On behalf of the school, Mr K thanked Susie Ormonde and Rhonda Norrish for their hard work in co-ordinating this fundraiser, all P&C members and the parents who volunteered their time to collect money from classrooms last week.  Well done, everybody!