A wrap up of what’s been happening with Science includes:
Marble Machines:

Belinda, Angus, Ella and Dharti made the most successful marble machine. Their machine kept the marble moving for 8 Marble Challenge 2 8  seconds.     Science Marble Challenge   

The machines the students invented were rather complicated. They discovered that the machine could be very simple and achieve the objective of keeping the marble moving for 10 seconds. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.

Marble Challenge 3

 Science Challenge:
Our fortnightly science challenges will begin again next term.

Donations to the Science Room:
A big thank you to all those people who have brought in things for the science room. A special thank you to whoever brought in the box of round plastic containers and the tray of small glass jars. They are much appreciated. We still need cocoa or small milo tins or plastic containers with a screw lid that are the same diameter from top to bottom. These will be used for rolling experiments.
Energy Experiments:  Click on this link to see the Marble Energy Experiment and how it works. Marble Energy Experiments