“…And that’s why you should vote for me!”
Applause followed, then a pause as students jotted down their response to the election speech. Just like the democratic process which will play out in WA on March 8 this year, our aspirant leaders nominated, created and displayed posters, presented a speech to their peers stating why they should be elected, then waited for the votes to be counted.
Every student who nominated either for councillor or faction captain roles needs to be congratulated for his or her courage and for putting themselves out there to have a go and aspire to a leadership role in this, their final year of primary school!
…and when the votes came in, we were thrilled to announce our student leaders for 2025 as:
Councillors: Zac R ; Evelyn T; Lennox Y; Jasmine C

Faction Captains: Earth: Maddy B; Tommy I Forest: Zach T; Maisy F Sun: Johli S; Ella T Ocean: Amelie H; Nixon C.

[Formal photos to come later this week!]
Photos, Written and Posted by Dawn Veary