Phys. Ed.

Physical Education
Throughout the year students participate weekly in physical education classes along with Middle Cell (Year 4) and Senior Cell (Years 5 & 6) specialist sport every Friday.
Annual events held are Faction Sports Days (Senior and Junior), Year 4, 5 and 6 Swimming Carnivals, Interschool Cross Country, Summer (basketball, volleyball, tee-ball and cricket) and Winter (football, soccer, netball and hockey) Interschool Carnivals.
Classes for K to year 3 students focus on fundamental movement skills. These are movement patterns that involve different body parts. They are the foundation or precursor patterns to the more complex skills used in play, games, sports, dance, gymnastics, outdoor education and physical recreation activities. They are broken into three categories:
1. Moving Our Body – body management and fundamental movement skills;
2. Understanding Movement – the affect movement has on our bodies; and
3. Learning Through Movement – learning co-operation skills, how to make positive choices and the responsibilities associated with team roles.
Children who are confident with most fundamental movement skills are able to successfully participate in a wide range of sporting and recreational activities throughout their life. Proficient movers often have higher self esteem and self confidence.
Year 4-6 students focus on game skills and strategies while meeting their physical needs. The focus is to develop a ‘game sense’ approach. Game sense is an approach to modified sport that engages children in game like activities where there are opportunities to develop both skills and an understanding of the tactics of the game, creating thinking players.
During terms 2 and 4 students in years 4, 5 and 6 partake in five weeks of offsite sport options, a program designed to expose children to the wide variety of sporting and recreational activities available in the local community. The program encourages lifelong involvement in sporting and recreational activities for fun, friendship and health. A wide range of options is offered such as off-road mountain biking, basketball, bushwalking, boxing, yoga and dance, as well as skateboarding and surfing lessons.